Strong county and community support for solid waste management.

We collaborate with Barry County’s Solid Waste Oversight Committee (SWOC) to promote recycling, reduce waste, and encourage resource recovery. By fostering a culture of waste reduction, we strive to protect our natural resources and improve water quality, all while promoting a cleaner, more sustainable community for the residents of Barry County.


  • Barry County Recycles is the product of the commitment and dedication of the Barry County Solid Waste Oversight Committee (SWOC). The SWOC provides the planning to manage Barry County’s solid waste and assists the Board of Commissioners in developing budgets and policies to reduce waste and promote recycling across the county. Our Recycling Coordinator is made possible through a yearly contract with the county.

  • Local groups can request up to $4,000 for your project, but you need to provide at least 33% of the project's cost as matching funds. The goal is to reduce waste, promote recycling, and reuse resources instead of sending them to landfills. Eligible applicants include local government, non-profits, civic groups, and more. You can find grant applications online or at the health department in Hastings, MI. Grants are awarded on a first-come, first-served basis. These mini grants are offered by Barry County Solid Waste Oversight Committee to support recycling and waste reduction projects in Barry County.

    To apply, download and complete the application document above and return it by email or mail to Barry County Recycling Coordinator, 1611 S. Hanover St., Suite 105, Hastings, MI 49058